Singapore Math Level 2A & 2B – Review 8: Lines, Surfaces, Shapes and Patterns - 20 Questions
Review 8: Lines, Surfaces, Shapes and Patterns
(1-6): Write the Name of the following shapes.
1. ◯
2. ◔
3. ◐
4. ▭
5. △
6. □
1. circle
2. quarter circle
3. semicircle
4. rectangle
5. triangle
6. square
7. Look at the photo, fill in the blank and write the complete senntence.
The figure above has 4 flat surfaces.
8. Fill in the blanks by observing the below image.
There are 3 triangles, 1 semicircles, 2 rectangles, and 2 squares in the figure above.
(9-11): Complete the following patterns.
9. △△ ◯◯ □□ __△
10. □◺ □◸ ◹□ ◿□ □◺ __
11. ⇨⇧__ ⇨⇧⇦
9. △△ ◯◯ □□ △△
10. □◺ □◸ ◹□ ◿□ □◺ □◸
11. ⇨⇧⇦ ⇨⇧⇦
(12-14): Draw dotted lines on each figure, and identify the shapes that form the figure.
15. Fill in the balnks by counting lines and curves.
Ans: There are straight 5 lines and 5 curves in the above picture.
16. Fill in the blank by counting battery surfaces from the below picture.
Ans: The battery has 1 flat surface.
17. Look at the shape on the left. Draw the same shape on the square grid.
The given picture and the drawn picture will be the same, so try it yourself.
18. Color the objects that have only flat surfaces.
We have colored the book, rectangle and stamp because they have flat surfaces. Find the colored picture below.
(19-20): Carefully look at each shape on the left and draw the same shape.
The given picture and the drawn picture will be the same, so try it yourself.